
Welcome to eveybody,

To assist students and parents in getting organised for any upcoming events (eidteddfod, exams, performances etc) all dates and times will be published on this blog for you to view.

We will also have a display of photos of the students during performances, timetable (published below), costume information and holiday school times.

You can send e-mails about any questions or enquiries you may have to:

Feel free to leave comments.

(student blogger)

Pink panthers, Sunflower and Milkmaid

Pink panthers, Sunflower and Milkmaid
Sophie (pink panther & sunflower), Keiyesha (Pink panther) and Lauren (Milkmaid)

Friday, April 11, 2008

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Photos Please!!!


if anyone has photos of students from the dance school performing or in costume can you please either give them to me (Madison) or Mrs. Peate during any classes or email them to
mbah-school-of-dance@hotmail.com so that I can put them on the site for display.

Thanks Heaps

(student blogger)